(Photo taken from the official site)
Yesterday was a day of sacrifices as they happened in 4 games! GM Lagno’s victory over GM Kosteniuk allowed her to become the sole leader of the tournament with 3 points of 4 games. GMs Hou, Kosintseva and Muzychuk have 2,5 points. The surprise of the round was that the World Champion didn’t manage to win in an endgame of B+N vs King.
Results of the 4th round
GM Alexandra Kosteniuk 2491 0 – 1 GM Kateryna Lagno 2548
GM Anna Ushenina 2491 ½ – ½ WGM Olga Girya 2463
WGM Wenjun Ju 2544 ½ – ½ GM Anna Muzychuk 2585
GM Yifan Hou 2617 1 – 0 GM Viktorija Cmilyte 2522
GM Nana Dzagnidze 2545 1 – 0 WGM Tuvshintugs Batchimeg 2298
GM Tatiana Kosintseva 2517 1 – 0 IM Bela Khotenashvili 2505
Today is a free day!
Pairings of the 5th round
IM Bela Khotenashvili 2505 – GM Alexandra Kosteniuk 2491
WGM Tuvshintugs Batchimeg 2298 – GM Tatiana Kosintseva 2517
GM Viktorija Cmilyte 2522 – GM Nana Dzagnidze 2545
GM Anna Muzychuk 2585 – GM Yifan Hou 2617
WGM Olga Girya 2463 – WGM Wenjun Ju 2544
GM Kateryna Lagno 2548 – GM Anna Ushenina 2491