4 Responses to Sunday Quiz

  1. Yuichi Sato says:

    (a) 1.Nh6+ gxh6 2.Qxf6 ( threatening checkmate with either 3.Qg7# or 3.Qh8# ) Be5 3.Bxe5 Qxe5 ( Black has no choice but to play 3. …Qxe5 to avoid being mated. ) 4.Qxe5 +-
    (b) 1.Nh6+ Kh8 2.Qxf6 ( threatening checkmate with 3.QXg7# ) Be5 ( 2. …gxf6?? 3.Bxf6# ) 3.Bxe5 Qxe5 4.Qxe5 +-

  2. bumpaguv says:

    1. Nh6+ gxh6 (1. …… Kh8 2. 2. Qxf6 Rg8 [2. …… gxf6 3. Bxf6#] 3. Qxd6 so if 3. …… Qxd6 4. Nxf7#) 2. Qxf6 +-

  3. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Very good!

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