4 Responses to Thursday Quiz

  1. Yuichi Sato says:

    (a) 1. …Bd3 2.Qxd3 Ng4 ( threatening checkmate with 3. …Qh2# ) 3.Rc1 Qh2+ 4.Kf1 Qxf2#
    (b) 1. …Bd3 2.Qd2 Bxf1 3.Rxf1 and Black gains a material advantage over White.
    (c) 1. …Bd3 2.Qd1 Ng4 3.Qxg4 ( White cannot heip but play 3.Qxg4 to avoid being mated with 3. …Qh2#. ) Qxg4 4.Re1 -+
    (d) 1. …Bd3 2.Qf3 Be4 3.Qxe4 ( 3.Qc3??, Qd1??, Qe2??, or Qe3?? Qg2# or Qh1# ) Nxe4 -+

  2. bumpaguv says:

    1… Bd3 2. Qd2 (2. Qxd3? Ng4 and checkmate follows) Bxf1 3. Rxf1 Rad8 -+

  3. yelenadembo says:

    Very good!

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

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