This strong event is under way in Sweden and 4 rounds (out of 9) have been played so far. Six GMs lead with 3.5 points:
1 GM Grandelius Nils SWE 2576 2576 2642 3.5
2 GM Smirin Ilya ISR 2642 2642 0 3.5
3 GM Hammer Jon Ludvig NOR 2612 2612 0 3.5
4 GM Krasenkow Michal POL 2633 2633 0 3.5
5 GM Goganov Aleksey RUS 2581 2581 0 3.5
6 GM Lintchevski Daniil RUS 2541 2541 0 3.5
Pairings of top 10 boards of the 5th round
1 GM Grandelius Nils 2576 3½ – 3½ GM Smirin Ilya 2642
2 GM Goganov Aleksey 2581 3½ – 3½ GM Krasenkow Michal 2633
3 GM Lintchevski Daniil 2541 3½ – 3½ GM Hammer Jon Ludvig 2612
4 GM Piorun Kacper 2560 3 – 3 IM Smirnov Artem 2418
5 IM Urkedal Frode 2492 3 – 3 FM Krupenski Jüri 1 2300
6 FM Sagit Rauan 1 2369 3 – 2½ IM Semcesen Daniel 2488
7 GM Yagupov Igor 2427 2½ – 2½ GM Socko Bartosz 2657
8 GM Volkov Sergey 2623 2½ – 2½ IM Bejtovic Jasmin 2402
9 IM Tsyhanchuk Stanislav 2398 2½ – 2½ GM Hillarp-Persson Tiger 2551
10 GM Cramling Pia 2525 2½ – 2½ FM Hammar Bengt 2 2234
It is possible to download the games of each round on the Official Site.