2 Responses to Saturday Quiz

  1. bumpaguv says:

    Good example of why intuition and calculation need to be partners! 1. Nxf6 comes immediately to mind but needs to be checked out. 🙂

    1. Nxf6 Qa2+ [1…h5 2. Re8+ Qxe8 (2…Bxe8 3. Rg8#) 3. Nxe8+ Bf6 4. Qxf6+ Kh7 5. Qg7# or 1…Qxd4 2. Re8+ Bxe8 3. Rg8#]2. Kc1 Qa1+ 3. Kd2 Ba5+ [3…Qa5+ 4. b4 +-] 4. Ke3 Qa4 5. Qxd6 +-

  2. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

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