4 Responses to Sunday Quiz

  1. mdchess says:

    1. d6 with d7 and d8 planned since whites Q on d4 controls the board and the passed pawns will roll forward.

    e.g. if Qg4 2. d7 BxB 3. d8=Q mate

  2. Yuichi Sato says:

    (a) 1.Re1 Qd3 ( , 1. …Bxf1?? 2.Re8# , or 1. …Bg4?? 2.Re8# ) 2.Qxd3 Bxd3 3.Bxd3 +-
    (b) 1.Re1 f6 2.Rxe2 +-
    (c) 1.Re1 Qg4 2.d6 h6 3.d7 Ra8 4.Rxe2 Kh7 5.Re8 Rxe8 6.dxe8=Q g5 7.Qeh8+ Kg6 8.Qdf6+ Kh5 9.QfXh6# or Qhxh6#
    (d) 1.Re1 Qh5 2.d6 h6 3.d7 Ra8 4.Rxe2 Kh7 5.Re8 Rxe8 6.dxe8=Q g5 7.Qeh8+ Kg6 8.Qdf6#
    (e) 1.Re1 Qc2 2.Rxe2 Qxe2 ( 2. …Qb1?? 3.Re8# ) 3.Bxe2 Rxe2 +-

  3. yelenadembo says:

    Interesting, but 1.Re1 is much stronger as it wins a piece!

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

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