6 Responses to Sunday Quiz

  1. mdchess says:

    1. Ra8 QxR 2. Qh4#
    1. Ra8 (threat Rh8#) Kh5 2. Rh8+ Kg4 3. Rh4#

  2. Yuichi Sato says:

    (a) 1.Ra8 ( threatening checkmate with 2.Rh8# ) Kh5 2.Rh8+ Kg4 3.Rh4#
    (b) 1.Ra8 Bc8 2.Rxc8 Kh5 3.Rh8+ Kg4 4.Rh4#
    (c) 1.Ra8 Be8 2.Rxe8 Kh5 3.Rh8+ Kg4 4.Rh4#
    (d) 1.Ra8 Qxa8 2.Qh4#

  3. bumpaguv says:

    1. Ra8 Kh5 [1…Qxh8 2. Qh4#] 2. Rh8+ Kg4 3. Rh4#

    Otherwise, it seems like the best Black can do is to put off inevitable mate for a couple of moves by sacrificing material: 1…Be8 [1…Bc8 2. Rxc8, etc.] 2, Rxe8 Qxd4+ 3. cxd4 Kh5 4. Rh8+ Kg4 5. Rh4#

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Very good!

  5. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

  6. yelenadembo says:

    Very good!

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