2 Responses to Tuesday Quiz

  1. mdchess says:

    1. Qg3 (threat 2. Qg6+ NxQ 3. PxN#) e5 2. R(c1)c6 g6 3. Pxg6+
    then if Kg7 4. Nh5#; if NxP 4. Ng5++ Kh8 5. Rh7#; if RxP 4. RxR NxR 5. Ne5+ if QxR 6. RxQ+ and/or Kh8 6. NxR+ Kh7 7. Nxe5+ Ng6 8. QxN+ and then mate on h7 or f7.

  2. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

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