6 Responses to Thursday Quiz

  1. bumpaguv says:

    1. Re3 Qxc2 [1…Kg8 2. Rg3 Rxg3 3. Nf6+ Kh8 4. Qxh7#] 2. Rg3 Qxb2 3. Rd1 Kg8 [3…Qe5 4. Nf6 +-] 4. Nf6+ Qxf6 [4…Kf8 or 4…Kh8 5. Qxg7#] 5. Qxf6 +-

  2. mdchess says:

    1. Nf6 Qxd6 2. R(a)d1 Qc5 3. Nxf7+ Kg8 4. Nf6+ Kf8 5. Rxd7 Qg5 6. Nh7+ Kg8 8. NxQ +-

  3. Yuichi Sato says:

    (a) 1.Re3 Qc4 2.Nf6 Qxc2 ( or 2. …Qd4 3.Rg3 Qxf6 [ 3. …Qxb2?? 4.Qxg7# ] 4.Qxf6 Rxg3 5.hxg3 Kg8 +-) 3.Rg3 Qg6 4.Rxg6 fxg6 5.Nxe8 Bxe8 +-
    (b) 1.Re3 f5 2.Rg3 Ree7 ( 2. …fxe4?? 3.Qxg7# ) 3.dxe7+
    (b1) 3. …Kxe7 4.Qf6+ Ke8 5.Rxg7 and White wins ( e.g., 5. …Qc5 6.Qf7+ Kd8 7.Qxd7# ) .
    (b2) 3. …Ke8 4.Qxg7 Bc8 5.Nf6#
    (c) 1.Re3 Kg8 2.Rg3 Rxg3 ( or 2. …Rg6 3.Nf6+ Kh8 4.Qxh7# ) 3.Nf6+ Kh8 4.Qxh7#
    (d) 1.Re3 Qxc2 2.Rg3 Rb8 3.Qxg7+ Ke8 4.Qg8#
    (e) 1.Re3 Rb8 2.Rg3 Bc8 3.Qxg7+ Ke8 4.Nf6+ Kd8 5.Qf8+ Qe8 6.Qxe8#
    (f) 1.Re3 Qxd6 2.Nxd6 +-
    (g) 1.Re3 Qxe4 2.Rxe4 +-

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Very good!

  5. yelenadembo says:

    Well done!

  6. yelenadembo says:

    Unfortunately, if 1.Nf6 Qxg2 mate

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