4 Responses to Friday Quiz

  1. bumpaguv says:

    1…Qd2 2. Rxf3 [2. Rf2 Qd1+ 3. Rf1 f2+ 4. Kg2 Qxg4+ 5. Kh1 Bxe4+ 6. Nxe4 Qxe4#] 2…Qd1+ 3. Kf2 [3. Kg2 Bxe4-+ or 3. Rf1 Qxf1#] 3…Rxf3+ 4. Qxf3 [4. Kg2 Qf1#] 4…Bxf3-+

  2. Yuichi Sato says:

    (a) 1. …Qd2 ( threatening checkmate with 2. …Qg2# ) 2.Rxf3 Qd1+
    (a1) 3.Kf2 Rxf3+ 4.Qxf3 Qxf3+ 5.Ke1 Bc8 ∓
    (a2) 3.Kg2 Bxe4 4.Kg3 ( 4.Kh3 Qxf3+ 5.Kh4 and the same continuation as this variation or 4.Nxe4 Qxf3+ 5.Kg1 Qf1# ) Qxf3+ 5.Kh4 g5+ 6.Kxg5 ( or 6.Kh5 Qh3+ 7.Kxg5 h6# ) Qf6+ 7.Kh5 Bg6+ 8.Kh6 Qh4#
    (b) 1. …Qd2 2.Qxf3 Bxf3 3.Rf2 ( 3.Rxf3?? Rxf3 4.Nd3 Qd1+ 5.Ne1 Qxe1+ 6.Kg2 Qf1# ) Qe1+ 4.Rf1 Qh4 ∓
    (c) 1. …Qd2 2.Rf2 Qd1+ 3.Rf1 ( 3.Qe1?? Qxe1+ 4.Rf1 f2# ) f2+ 4.Kg2 ( 4.Kh1?? Qxf1# ) Bxe4+ 5.Kg3 ( or 5.Kh3 Qf3+ 6.Kh4 and the same continuation as this variation or 5.Nxe4?? Qf3# ) Qf3+ 6.Kh4 g5+ 7.Kxg5 ( or 7.Kh5 Qh3+ 8.Kxg5 h6# ) Qf6+ 8.Kh5 Bg6+ 9.Kh6 Qh4#
    (d) 1. …Qd2 2.Qxe6+ Kh8
    (d1) 3.Rxf3 Bxf3 and Black wins. ( e.g. , 4.Qg8+ Kxg8 5.Kf1 Qe2+ [ or 5. …Qg2+ 6.Ke1 Qe2# ] 6.Kg2 Qg2# )
    (d2) 3.Rf2 Qd1+ 4.Qe1 ( or 4.Rf1 f6# ) Qxe1+ 5.Rf1 f2#
    (d3) 3.Qe2 Qxe2 4.Rxf3 ( or 4.Rf2 Qe1+ 5.Rf1 f2# ) Bxf3 5.Ne4 Qg2#
    (e) 1. …Qd2 2.Nxb7 Qg2#
    (f) 1. …Qd2 2.Qxb7 Qg2#

  3. yelenadembo says:

    Well done

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Very good

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