9 Responses to Friday Quiz

  1. mdchess says:

    1. Re4 (threat Qh2#) Bd6 2. Rxg4+ Kh3 3. Qg2#

  2. basilpal says:

    1. Rf4 (threatening mate at Qh7+)…Bd6 2. Rg4+…Kh5 3. Qg6+mate

    1. Rf4…Kh5; 2. f3xN+…Khg6 3.Re6++..Kf6 4.Qg6+..Kf8 5.Rf1+ black wil just delay mate by blocking with B and N, then Q.

  3. basilpal says:

    1. Rf4..Kh5 2.Rg4 (threatening checkmate at Qh2+ and Qh7+…

  4. bumpaguv says:

    1. Re4 Kh5 [1…Bd6 2. Rxg4+ Kh5 (2…Kh3 3. Qg2#) 3. Qg6#] 2. Rxg4 Qf5 [2. Qg5 3. Qh7+ Qh6 4. Qxh6#] 3. Qh2+ Bh4 4. Qxh4#

  5. yelenadembo says:

    Well done

  6. yelenadembo says:

    You mean 1.Re4 I believe 🙂 Very good

  7. yelenadembo says:

    Well done

  8. basilpal says:

    sorry, it should be Re4, not Rf4 thanks. i love following the dailiy quizzes. it makes my mind relaxed in the middle of my work.

  9. yelenadembo says:

    Great! 🙂

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