10 Responses to Saturday Quiz

  1. bumpaguv says:

    1. Bc5+ Kg7 [1…Re7 2. Qe5 Bd7 3. Bd5+-] 2. Bd5+ (Fritz says 2. Qg3 is best but I didn’t see that) 2…Kg6 3. Rc6+ Re6 [3…Be6 4. Be4+ Rxe4 5. Qxe4+ Kg7 6. Qxe6+-] 4. Rxe6+ Bxe6 5. Be4+ Kg7 6. Qe5+ Kf7 7. f4+-

  2. mdchess says:

    1. Bc5+ Kg7 2. Be6+ Qxc7 3. Qxc7+ Kh6 4. Qxb8 +-
    1. Bc5+ Kg7 2. Be6+ Kh6 3. Rxh7+ Kxh7 4. Qxf5+ Kh8 5. Bb4 Kg7 6. Qf7+
    1. Bc5+ Kg7 2. Qxf5

  3. mdchess says:

    1. Bc5+ Kg7 2. Be6+ Qxc7 3. Qxc7+ Kh6 4. Qxb8 +-
    1. Bc5+ Kg7 2. Be6+ Kh6 3. Rxh7+ Kxh7 4. Qxf5+ Kh8 5. Bb4 Kg7 6. Qf7+

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Interesting, but 1.Bc2 is much stronger :).

  5. yelenadembo says:

    Interesting, but 1.Bc2 won instantly!

  6. bumpaguv says:

    I am sorry but I do not understand 1. Bc2 from diagram position. 🙁

  7. yelenadembo says:

    The threat is Bg7 and Bf7 mate. Otherwise, white wins a lot of material.

  8. bumpaguv says:

    I was not clear before. In the diagram, White’s light-squared bishop is on f7 and cannot get to c2 in one move.

  9. yelenadembo says:

    Ah yes, sorry, Ba2.

  10. bumpaguv says:

    That’s a cool idea! Never have seen that before. Thank you!

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