2 Responses to Tuesday Quiz

  1. mdchess says:

    1. Bb5 Rxh1 2. Bxd7 Rc1 3. Rxc1 Nxc1 4. Kxc1 a6 5. Be7 Bf8 6. Nd2 +-
    1. Bb5 Bxb5 2. Rxa1 +-
    1. Bb5 Rxh1 2. Bxd7 Rc1 3. Rc8+ Rxc8 4. Bxc8 Rxc8 5. d7 Ra8 6. d8=Q+ Rxd8 7. Bxd8 and Kc2 and b2 wins the N +-

  2. yelenadembo says:

    Well done

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