6 Responses to Monday Quiz

  1. sai says:

    1 Qg3 (threatening Qe3# ) Qb4+ 2 Kc1 +- since Qa3 and Qe1 are both protected by white queen in g3

  2. bumpaguv says:


    1…Qb4+ 2. Kc1+-

    1…Qd4+ 2. Rxd4 Kxd4 3. Qc3++-

  3. mdchess says:

    1. Qf2 threat Qf3#
    … Qb4+ 2. Ke2 Qc4+ 3. Kd1 and black has no more checks.
    … Qa3 2. Rd4#

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Very good

  5. yelenadembo says:

    Well done

  6. yelenadembo says:

    Also possible, but no need to allow so many checks! Just 1.Qg3 Qb4+ 2.Kc1.

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