6 Responses to Tuesday Quiz

  1. sai says:

    1 Nd2 threatening Qc4# while preventing black from playing Qb1+ and Qf1+
    1 .. Qd5
    2 R X d5 or even better 2 Ne4+ and +-

  2. bumpaguv says:

    1. Nd2 threatens 2. Nb3#, 2. Qc4# and 2. Ne4+ Too many threats for Black to defend against.

  3. mdchess says:

    Lots of false choices here –

    1. Rd4 (threat Qc4#) Qb1+ stops things; trick is to realize the N needs to reposition itself

    1. Nd2 (threat Qc4#) Bd8 2. Qc4+ Kb6 3. Rd6+ Kb7 4. Qc6+ Kb8 5. Rd7 Qd5 6. Rd7+ Ka8 7. Qa6#

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Very good

  5. yelenadembo says:

    Well done

  6. yelenadembo says:


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