4 Responses to Saturday Quiz

  1. bumpaguv says:


    2. Ka3 Rxd2 3. Nxc3 Rxf2 4. Nxb1 Rcc2-+

    2. Rxb1 Rxd2+-+

    2. Kxb1 Qxb3+ 3. Ka1 [3. Rb2 Rxd1#] 3…Rc2 4. Rxc2 Rxd1+ 5. Rc1 Rxc1#

  2. mdchess says:

    1. … Rxd2+
    2. Qxd2 Bb1+ 3. Ka3 Qa1+ 4. Qa2 Qxa2#
    2. Qxd2 Bb1+ 3. Kxb1 Qxb3+ 4. Ka1 Qxa4+ 5. Kb2 Qxb5+ 6. Ka3 Rc4 -+
    2. Rxd2 Bb1+ 3. Ka3 Qc1+ 4. Rb2 Rc2 5. Qxc2 Bxc2 -+
    2. Rxd2 Bb1+ 3. Kxb1 Qxb3+ 4. Rb2 Qd1+ 5. Ka2 Rc1 -+

  3. yelenadembo says:

    Very good

  4. yelenadembo says:

    Well done. Black played the other move order and started with 1…Bb1 but there is no difference.

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