Daily sale of various opening, middlegame and endgame material

The games are usually well analysed. If you have any questions while studying the material, let me know and I will help. It is possible to buy it using PayPal and sending payments to yelena@yelenadembo.com. Material will be sent in pgn/cbv files directly to your e-mail address.

Today’s offers are:


1.e4 repertoire (for the White side – ALL openings after 1.e4)- US$ 80 (instead of US$ 100)

Trompovsky – US$ 15 (instead of US$20)

Scandinavian – US$ 10 (instead of US$ 15)


10 examples on g5-g6 push in the Sicilian – US$ 4 (instead of US$ 5)

10 examples on Knight or Bishop sacrifice on g4 in Dragon variation – US$ 4 (instead of US$ 5)


10 examples on Knight endgame with Rooks – US$ 4 (instead of US$ 5)

10 examples on Queen and Rooks (Rook) versus Queen and Rooks (Rook) – US$ 4 (instead of US$ 5)

If you have any questions about the material, send an e-mail to yelena@yelenadembo.com.

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