One terrible day for the white pieces in group A today… Shirov-Kramnik was an amazing game as white King was walking around and Black managed to catch it, not to speak of Giri-Nakamura where white King was stuck in the middle and got attacked pretty badly. Carlsen won a seemingly quiet Berlin after a nice fight on the queenside which gave him a strong passed pawn.
Standings Group A:
1-2. V. Anand, H. Nakamura 4½
3-7. L. Aronian, M. Carlsen, V. Kramnik, I. Nepomniachtchi, M. Vachier-Lagrave 3½
8-9. A. Giri, R. Ponomariov 3
10. W. Hao 2½
11-13. A. Grischuk, E. l’Ami, J. Smeets 2
14. A. Shirov 1
Group B:
1. L. McShane 5
2. Z. Efimenko 4½
3. W. So 4
4-5. D. Navara, G. Sargissian 3½
6-8. L. Chao, L. Fressinet, R. Wojtaszek 3
9-10. L. Liem, V. Tkachiev 2½
11-13. J. Hammer, F. Nijboer, W. Spoelman 2
14. S. Ganguly 1½
Group C:
1-2. I. Nyzhnyk, D. Vocaturo 4½
3. K. Lahno 4
4-5. T. Sachdev, M. van der Werf 3½
6-9. M. Bluvshtein, I. Ivanisevic, M. Kazhgaleyev, D. Swiercz 3
10-11. B. Bok, S. Siebrecht 2½
12. R. van Kampen 2
13-14. J.W. de Jong, R. Pruijssers 1½
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