Daily sale of various opening, middlegame and endgame material

The examples (middlegame, endgame) are usually well analysed and theoretically wise the material is large and frequently updated. If you have any questions while studying the material, let me know and I will help. It is possible to buy it using PayPal and sending payments to yelena@yelenadembo.com (please, indicate your e-mail address, so I know whom to send it to 🙂 ). Material will be sent in pgn/cbv files directly to your e-mail address ASAP.

Check out the free samples here.

Today’s offers are:


Catalan – US$ 15 (instead of US$ 20)

Gruenfeld – US$ 20 (instead of US$ 30)

Slav – US$ 15 (instead of US$ 25)

King’s Indian – US$ 25 (instead of US$ 35)


10 examples on Pawn majority – US$ 2

10 examples on Backward pawn – US$ 2


10 examples on Complicated endgames – US$ 2

10 examples on Opposite color Bishops with Rooks – US$ 2

If you have any questions about the material, send an e-mail to yelena@yelenadembo.com.

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