All the material is in Fritz/ChessBase, pgn format and is sent by e-mail. Openings are updated daily & the middlegame/endgame examples are well analysed. It is possible to buy the materials using PayPal and sending payments to (please, indicate your e-mail address, so I know whom to send it to). Here are the offers:
1.e4 e5 repertoire (for the Black side – ALL openings after 1.e4 e5) – US$ 50 (instead of US$ 80)
Sicilian – US$ 20 (instead of US$ 30)
Queen’s Indian – US$ 10 (instead of US$ 15)
Middlegame (tactics & strategy)
5 examples on Sacrificing the passed pawn for discoordination of opponent’s pieces – US$ 1
5 examples on Positional cramping and space advantage – US$ 1
5 examples on Isolated pawn – US$ 1
5 examples on Hanging pawns – US$ 1
10 examples on Rook stronger than minor piece – US$ 2
10 examples on Opposite color Bishops with Knights – US$ 2
10 examples on Practical pawn endgames – US$ 2
10 examples on Knight better than Bishop – US$ 2
For questions about the material or anything else, please send an e-mail to .