2016 U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP – last round

Playing Hall (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Playing Hall (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Caruana won the championship with 8.5 out of 11.

Results of the last round

GM Onischuk, Alexander5.52664GM Akobian, Varuzhan4.02615½-½
GM Xiong, Jeffery5.02618GM Shabalov, Alexander3.52528½-½
GM Robson, Ray6.52663GM Nakamura, Hikaru7.02787½-½
GM Lenderman, Aleksandr4.02618GM So, Wesley7.02773½-½
GM Kamsky, Gata4.52678GM Shankland, Samuel L4.02656½-½
IM Chandra, Akshat1.52477GM Caruana, Fabiano7.527950-1

Final standings

GM Caruana, Fabiano8.52795
GM So, Wesley7.52773
GM Nakamura, Hikaru7.52787
GM Robson, Ray7.02663
GM Onischuk, Alexander6.02664
GM Xiong, Jeffery5.52618
GM Kamsky, Gata5.02678
GM Lenderman, Aleksandr4.52618
GM Akobian, Varuzhan4.52615
GM Shankland, Samuel L4.52656
GM Shabalov, Alexander4.02528
IM Chandra, Akshat1.52477

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2016 U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP – 10th round

So-Robson (Photo by Lennart Ootes)

So-Robson (Photo by Lennart Ootes)

Caruana leads with 7.5 out of 10.

Results of the 10th round

GM Akobian, Varuzhan3.02615IM Chandra, Akshat1.524771-0
GM Caruana, Fabiano7.02795GM Kamsky, Gata4.02678½-½
GM Shankland, Samuel L3.52656GM Lenderman, Aleksandr3.52618½-½
GM So, Wesley6.52773GM Robson, Ray6.02663½-½
GM Nakamura, Hikaru6.02787GM Xiong, Jeffery5.026181-0
GM Shabalov, Alexander3.02528GM Onischuk, Alexander5.02664½-½

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2016 U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP – 9th round

Lenderman-Caruana (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Lenderman-Caruana (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Caruana leads with 7 points.

Results of the 9th round

GM Shabalov, Alexander3.02528GM Akobian, Varuzhan2.026150-1
GM Onischuk, Alexander4.52664GM Nakamura, Hikaru5.52787½-½
GM Xiong, Jeffery4.52618GM So, Wesley6.02773½-½
GM Robson, Ray5.52663GM Shankland, Samuel L3.02656½-½
GM Lenderman, Aleksandr3.52618GM Caruana, Fabiano6.027950-1
GM Kamsky, Gata3.02678IM Chandra, Akshat1.524771-0

Standings after 9 rounds Continue reading

2016 U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP – 8th round

Caruana-Robson (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Caruana-Robson (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Caruana and So lead with 6 out of 8.

Results of the 8th round

GM Akobian, Varuzhan1.52615GM Kamsky, Gata2.52678½-½
IM Chandra, Akshat1.52477GM Lenderman, Aleksandr2.526180-1
GM Caruana, Fabiano5.52795GM Robson, Ray5.02663½-½
GM Shankland, Samuel L2.52656GM Xiong, Jeffery4.02618½-½
GM So, Wesley5.52773GM Onischuk, Alexander4.02664½-½
GM Nakamura, Hikaru4.52787GM Shabalov, Alexander3.025281-0

Standings after 8 rounds Continue reading

2016 U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP – 7th round

Jeffery Xiong (Photo by Austin Fuller)

Jeffery Xiong (Photo by Austin Fuller)

So and Caruana lead with 5.5 points out of 7.

Results of the 7th round

GM Nakamura, Hikaru3.52787GM Akobian, Varuzhan1.526151-0
GM Shabalov, Alexander3.02528GM So, Wesley4.527730-1
GM Onischuk, Alexander3.02664GM Shankland, Samuel L2.526561-0
GM Xiong, Jeffery3.52618GM Caruana, Fabiano5.02795½
GM Robson, Ray4.02663IM Chandra, Akshat1.524771-0
GM Lenderman, Aleksandr2.02618GM Kamsky, Gata2.02678½

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