Weekend Sale March 11-13

All the material is in Fritz/ChessBase, pgn format and is sent by e-mail (except for the books :)). Openings are updated daily & the middlegame/endgame examples are well analysed. It is possible to buy the materials using PayPal and sending payments to yelena@yelenadembo.com (please, indicate your e-mail address, so I know whom to send it to). Here are the offers:


1.e4 repertoire (for the White side – ALL openings after 1.e4) – US$ 50 (instead of US$ 80)

Sicilian – US$ 20 (instead of US$ 30)

Russian Game/Petroff – US$ 10 (instead of US$ 15)

Queen’s Gambit (accepted & declined) – US$ 15 (instead of 20)

Middlegame (tactics & strategy)

5 examples on Pawn sacrifice on b2 – US$ 1

5 examples on Removal of blockade – US$ 1

5 examples on Carlsbad pawn structure – US$ 1

5 examples on Backward pawn – US$ 1


10 examples on Practical Queen endgames – US$ 2

10 examples on Rook, minor piece & pawns versus a Rook and larger amount of pawns – US$ 2

10 examples on 2 Bishops versus 2 Bishops – US$ 2

10 examples on Minor piece stronger than Rook – US$ 2


These books help to find the right study plan and teach how to think correctly!

My first chess book, “The Very Unusual Book About Chess”. Detailed explanation of tactical methods + unique rules/principles.


My second book is titled “Conversation with a Professional Trainer – Methods of Positional Play”. Detailed explanation of positional ideas and methods!


The 1st book + 2nd book cost 20 euros (with postage and packaging included) instead of 30 euros.

For questions about the material or anything else, please send an e-mail to yelena@yelenadembo.com .

Special middlegame book sale

These books help to find the right study plan and teach how to think correctly!

Special price for my 1st middlegame book – 15 euros with postage and packaging included. Detailed explanation of tactical methods. Read all the info on the book here.

The price for the 2nd middlegame book is also 15 euros with postage and packaging included.  Detailed explanation of positional ideas and methods! Read the info on the book hereNaturally both books can be signed and dedicated!

Both books can be purchased via PayPal (e-mail yelena@yelenadembo.com).


Books, lessons and time…

Despite having very many lessons every day I have managed to practically finish studying the “Open Spanish” by GM Mikhalevsky! The next goal after finishing the book is to check the “Play the French” book by IM John Watson for new ideas and plans since not only I play against the French but also many of my students play the French and against it!
I just wish there were more hours in the day! 😀