The 15th Weekend Sale

Here are the “Study chess on the weekend!” offers:


1. Ruy Lopez – US$ 25
2. Slav – US$ 20
3. Gruenfeld – US$ 25
4. Sicilian – US$ 25
5. Catalan – US$ 15


1. 10 examples on Pawn Sacrifice for Initiative – US$ 5
2. 10 examples of The Art of Exchange – US$ 5
3. 10 examples on Outpost – US$ 5
4. 10 examples on Hanging Pawns – US$ 5
5. 10 examples on Backward Pawn – US$ 5


1. 10 examples on Rook and Knight endgames – US$ 5
2. 10 examples on Rook endgames – US$ 5
3. 10 examples on Queen endgames – US$ 5
4. 10 examples on Knight better than Bishop – US$ 5
5. 10 examples on Queen versus Rook and minor piece – US$ 5

For questions about payment or anything else, please e-mail me at