French Team championship

I have come across a very nice game today. It is the French, one of the most popular openings. Hope you like it too :).

Wijk aan Zee 2013

Today the famous Wijk aan Zee starts! As usual there are 3 main events, players of which are:

Participants of Grandmaster group A

GM Carlsen, Magnus NOR 2861 1 Carlsen’s 10th straight year according to his twits
GM Aronian, Levon ARM 2802 3
GM Caruana, Fabian ITA 2781 5
GM Karjakin, Serge RUS 2780 6 Karjakin’s 8th event according to his Twits
GM Anand, Viswanat IND 2772 7
GM Nakamura, Hikar USA 2769 9
GM Wang, Hao CHN 2752 14
GM Leko, Peter HUN 2735 19
GM Giri, Anish NED 2720 29
GM Harikrishna, Pe IND 2698 49
GM van Wely, Loek NED 2679 68
GM Sokolov, Ivan NED 2663 82
GM L’Ami, Erwin NED 2627 145
GM Hou, Yifan CHN 2603 215

Average rating : 2732
Category : 20

Participants of Grandmaster group B

GM Naiditsch, Arka GER 2708
GM Movsesian, Serg ARM 2688
GM Edouard, Romain FRA 2686
GM Tiviakov, Serge NED 2655
GM Turov, Maxim RUS 2630
GM Rapport, Richar HUN 2621
GM Nikolic, Predra BIH 2619
GM Smeets, Jan NED 2615
GM Dubov, Daniil RUS 2600
GM Ipatov, Alexand TUR 2587
GM van Kampen, Rob NED 2581
GM Grandelius, Nil SWE 2572
GM Timman, Jan NED 2566
GM Ernst, Sipke NED 2556

Average rating : 2620
Category : 15

Participants of Grandmaster group C

GM Peralta, Fernan ARG 2617
GM Kovchan, Alexan UKR 2579
GM Brunello, Sabin ITA 2572
GM Mekhitarian, Kr BRA 2543
GM Romanishin, Ole UKR 2521
IM Gretarsson, Hjo ISL 2516
GM Swinkels, Robin NED 2508
IM Burg, Twan NED 2492
IM van der Werf, M NED 2450
IM Klein, David NED 2445
WGM Goryachkina, Al RUS 2402
IM Bitensky, Igor ISR 2400
FM Admiraal, Miguo NED 2321
WIM Schut, Lisa NED 2295

Average rating : 2476
Category : 10

The official website is

Looking forward to posting some interesting games here! 🙂

Rilton Cup 2012/2013

This very strong event finished yesterday. After 8 rounds GMs Krasenkow and Smirin shared the 1st place with 6.5 but the last round changed it all. Krasenkow won against IM Rombaldoni and Smirin lost to E.L’ami which allowed Krasenkow to become sole the winner!

The the first 3 are:

1.Krasenkow 7.5 out of 9
2-3. Shimanov and E.L’ami 7

You can view the final standings on 🙂

London Chess Classic 2012 – round 9

Pairings of the last round

Carlsen-Anand 1/2
Adams-Kramnik 1/2
Polgar-Aronian 1/2
Nakamura-McShane 1-0

Games of the round

Thus Carlsen won the event with 18 points!

Final standings

Carlsen 18
Kramnik 16
Adams 13
Nakamura 13
Anand 9
Aronian 8
Polgar 6
McShane 5
Jones 3