White to play
The solution is: 22. Nxg5 Qxg5 23. R1h5 Qg7 24. Rh8+ Qxh8 25. Rxh8+ Kxh8 26. Qh5+ Kg7 27. Qg4+ Kh7 28. Qxd7+ Rf7 29. Qe8 Kg7 30. Nf3 Rb8 31. Nxe5 fxe5 32. Bxe5+ Kh7 33. Qh8+ Kg6 34. g4 1-0
I charge US$ 25 per hour, US$ 100 for 5 hours or US$ 200 for 10 hours, if one purchases them in advance.
Lessons happen on Playchess & ChessRex.com.
Teaching experience – 24 years. Students’ level ranges from beginners to players with 2400 ELO (IMs as well).
My mom Nadezhda Fokin (Israeli Women’s Champion, 3rd board in 1992 Chess Olympiad, Soviet Women’s Master) charges US$ 20 for 1 hour (payments via my PayPal e-mail – yelena@yelenadembo.com).
Easy improvement – detailed analysis of your games done by an International Master. I charge US$ 10 per game or US$ 35 for 5 games. Analysis can be sent by pgn, html, cbv formats.
Send US$ 5 to yelena@yelenadembo.com on Paypal and get 10 game fragments on middlegame/endgame every week. Studying these themes helps to find plans, ideas, build strategies 15-35 moves into the game. It is very important to study these themes as the middlegame is where most players get into time pressure or just cannot find a plan. Material can be sent in pgn, cbv, html, pdf formats.
Check out https://yelenadembo.com/archives/6242 and https://yelenadembo.com/material-for-sale or e-mail me at yelena@yelenadembo.com for info!
I have a collection of over 40 thousand examples. It is very important to study these themes as the middlegame is where most players get into time pressure or just cannot find a plan.
Prices: each annotated example costs 20 cents, so 10 examples cost 2 euros, etc. Send payment to yelena@yelenadembo.com on PayPal to get the examples by e-mail in cbv, pgn, html formats.
My first chess book, “The Very Unusual Book About Chess” – ONLY 15 euros with postage and packaging included. Detailed explanation of tactical methods.
My second book is titled “Conversation with a Professional Trainer – Methods of Positional Play” – ONLY 15 euros with postage and packaging included. Detailed explanation of positional ideas and methods!
Naturally both books can be signed and dedicated! Can be bought as presents for friends and family!