Ask me a question/Contact me

If you have any questions about anything on the blog you can send an e-mail to .

6 Responses to Ask me a question/Contact me

  1. Malthrope says:

    You beat me too it! (your last tweet back to me). Thanks! 🙂 Anyhoo, I sent you a DM (Direct Message) via Twitter which went: “Yelena – I took the plunge & registered on your Blog! (as Malthrope), also included a short bio for you as well! Now you know a lot more! :D” — this just in case you haven’t yet had the time to plow through my extensive Caissar award winning “Profile & Chessforum” on 🙂

    My Best Always,
    – Mal
    Berkeley, CA
    (aka: Malthrope, Alan & Al)

    PS: Does this e-mail function utility have a kilobyte limit? If so, I’ll adhere to it. 🙂

  2. Hello,

    I come to you whether you could do an article on the Triad-Chess?

    This would allow me to know my game at international.

    If you wish, I can provide you with coupon codes for Apple device for Android it’s free.

    APPLE iPhone/iPod Touch

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    if you want I do to make for you the article, I am ready to do and if you want the pictures, videos, animation flash let me request.

    I’ll make you a return link on the following sites :


    While waiting for a response.


    Mr. WITTIG

    P.S. : Sorry for my bad english

  3. yelenadembo says:

    Hello! Do you mean write an article for your website?

  4. JoeGates says:

    I forgot to add that your Grunfeld book is excellent and I use it as my main weapon against 1 d4. I also use Joe Gallagher’s Play the King’s Indian.

  5. zandor says:

    Συγχαρητήρια για τη θέση σου στη παγκόσμια κατάταξη. Έψαχνα έναν Έλληνα στους 100 καλύτερους και σε βρήκα.

  6. yelenadembo says:

    Euxaristo poli! 🙂

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