All the possible info (including my own ideas) gathered in one file is a unique way to always be well prepared!
I collect and gather theoretical material from important and most recent books and add my own ideas. The collection now includes over 10 000 theoretical analysis (quite many of them already have verbal comments) and is updated on a daily basis.
I teach many of these openings and many people also buy them in ChessBase/Fritz or pgn format. Prices range from US$10 to US$35 and counting by A4 pages material can range from 1 page to over 500 for a large and popular opening :). It is possible to get a discount, if you buy many systems or openings at once.
Payments can be done by PayPal and material (in Fritz/ChessBase or pgn format) is sent by e-mail. If you have any questions about openings, how to buy or anything else, send me an e-mail to .
New subscription – just US$ 5 per month for new opening ideas & updated variations sent weekly by e-mail!
Super discounts:
ALL openings after 1.e4 (for White) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 80
ALL openings after 1.e4 e5 (for Black) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 80
ALL openings after 1.d4 (for White) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 80
ALL openings after 1.d4 d5 (for Black) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 50
ALL openings after 1.d4 Nf6 (for Black) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 50
ALL openings after 1.c4 (for White) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 50
All the openings I currently have – US$ 400
Here is a price list of openings I have (some systems/openings are so small or rare that I didn’t include them in the list, but feel free to let me know if you need something and didn’t find here):
English Opening – US$ 15
Hedgehog from English – US$10
Reti – US$ 10
Trompovsky – US$ 10
Colle – US$ 10
Torre – US$ 10
London – US$ 10
Larsen’s Opening – US$ 10
Bird’s Opening – US$ 10
Sokolsky Opening – US$ 10
Benko’s Opening – US$ 10
Budapest Gambit – US$10
King’s Indian Attack – US$ 10
Tango – US$ 10
The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 – US$ 10
Indian – US$ 10
Old Indian – US$ 10
Benko (Wolga) Gambit – US$10
Benoni – US$ 20
Dutch – US$ 15
Scandinavian – US$ 10
Alekhine – US$ 10
Modern – US$ 10
Pirc – US$ 10
Hippopotamus Defence – US$ 10
Caro-Kann – US$ 15
Sicilian – US$ 25 (if one wants only one line, the prices range from US$ 5 to US$ 10). Sicilian lines I have: Closed, Morra, Alapin, Rossolimo, Moscow, Nimzowitsch, Najdorf, Dragon, Acc.Dragon, Kalashnikov, Classical, Scheveningen, Keres Attack, Taimanov, Kan, 4 Knights, and other various rare/alternative lines.
French – US$ 15 (if one wants only one line, the prices range from US$ 5 to US$ 10)
King’s Gambit – US$ 15
Bishop’s Opening – US$ 10
The Vienna – US$ 10
Philidor Defence – US$ 10
Nimzowitsch Defence – US$ 10
Russian Game – US$ 15
1.e4 e5 2.rares – US$ 10
Goring – US$ 10
Giuoco Piano – US$ 10
Ponziani – US$ 10
Scotch Game – US$ 10
Center Game – US$ 10
Danish Gambit – US$ 10
Four Knights – US$ 15
Italian Game – US$ 10
Two Knights – US$ 15
Ruy Lopez – US$ 25
Blackmar-Diemer – US$10
Veresov – US$10
Chigorin – US$10
Albin Counterattack – US$ 10
Slav – US$ 20
Queen’s Gambit (accepted & declined)- US$ 20 (if one wants only one system, price goes down)
Tarrasch – US$ 15
Semi Slav – US$ 20
Gruenfeld – US$ 20
Catalan – US$ 20
Bogo-Indian – US$ 10
Queen’s Indian – US$ 15
Nimzo-Indian – US$ 20
King’s Indian – US$ 30
Example of a theoretical line
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