Discounts on various materials

You can find all kinds of discounts on this page. Payments can be done by PayPal and material (in Fritz/ChessBase or pgn format) is sent by e-mail. If you have any questions about openings, how to buy any material or anything else, please, send an e-mail to .


I give lessons to kids and adults on ICC, Playchess &, use Skype for talking. The students can save everything we study + get homework, if one wants. I usually give private lessons but groups are welcome too!  Level of students ranges from beginners to 2400 ELO (IMs as well). Teaching experience – 22 years. Prices: I charge US$ 25 per hour, US$ 100 for 5 hours or US$ 200 for 10 hours, if one purchases them in advance. Payments can be done by PayPal. Please, send the payments in advance to confirm the scheduled lesson.


I collect and gather theoretical material from important and most recent books and add my own ideas. The collection now includes over 10 000 theoretical analysis (quite many of them already have verbal comments) and is updated on a daily basis. It is possible to get a discount, if you buy many systems or openings at once.

New subscription – just US$ 5 per month for new opening ideas & updated variations sent weekly by e-mail!

ALL openings after 1.e4 (for White) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 80

ALL openings after 1.e4 e5 (for Black) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 80

ALL openings after 1.d4 (for White) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 80

ALL openings after 1.d4 d5 (for Black) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 50

ALL openings after 1.d4 Nf6 (for Black) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 50

ALL openings after 1.c4 (for White) with very many lines to choose from – US$ 50

All the openings I currently have (51 and counting! :)) – US$ 400 (discounts are possible if asked)


Just US$ 5 monthly to subscribe to weekly e-mails with middlegame/endgame material. Send US$ 5 to on PayPal and get 10 game fragments on middlegame/endgame every week.

10 game fragments (with verbal comments and variations) on various themes – US$ 2

100 game fragments (with variations, no verbal comments) on various themes – US$ 15 (instead of US$ 20)

200 game fragments (with variations, no verbal comments) on various themes – US$ 30 (instead of US$ 40)

100 tactical game fragments (beautiful wins in 1-3 moves) on various themes – US$ 15 (instead of US$ 20)


10 game fragments (with verbal comments and variations) on various themes – US$ 2

100 game fragments (with variations, no verbal comments) on various themes – US$ 15 (instead of US$ 20)

200 game fragments (with variations, no verbal comments) on various themes – US$ 30 (instead of US$ 40)

100 tactical game fragments (beautiful wins in 1-3 moves) on various themes – US$ 15 (instead of US$ 20)


I have published two middlegame books on my own (these books help to find the right study plan and teach how to think correctly!). The 1st book + 2nd cost 25 euros (instead of 30 euros) if you buy them at once. The price is with postage and packaging included. The books can be bought via PayPal.

Here is some info about them:


  • My first chess book, “The Very Unusual Book About Chess”, is about the tactical (advanced level) middlegame and contains several interesting methods of playing this part of the game, complimented by many instructive examples by the world’s leading players (Kasparov, Anand, Kramnik, Shirov, Sutovsky etc.) on each method.

The chapter breakdown is as follows:

  1. 1.Gifted Moves (Gifted Ideas)
  2. Special Chapters (“Easy But Nice”)
  3. “Kasparov’s Rook”
  4. g5-g6 followed by h5-h6 in positions with opposite-side castling
  5. Kings Can Do Even The Impossible
  6. f4-f5 in the Sicilian Defence

The book is available in English and Russian (see the covers below). It is 136 pages long and includes detailed verbal comments and the special “Dembo-rules”! You can view some samples from the book in PDF format:

from the Preface  (english)(russian)

from the first chapter “Gifted Moves”  (english)(russian)

from the fifth chapter “f4-f5”  (english)(russian)

  • My second book is titled “Conversation with a Professional Trainer – Methods of Positional Play” and is on basic and advanced strategy.  You can download the table of contents here.



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